On-line focus group & BBS software...
Jump start your research now with our custom developed on-line focus group program, InterQue, developed especially for the marketing research industry by a seasoned professional. Simple, intuitive and has all the features a moderator would need and nothing more. No downloads necessary on the client side.
On-line Focus Group Software
Are your customers 3 steps ahead of you?
New features :
Email your top 10 customers, show them a concept and get their feedback in one hour. Own your own software and stop paying high prices per one time use. Get your customer feedback regardless of budget. Perfect for a department that has limited budget and a big need for immediate feedback.
Bulletin Board Services (BBS)
An Old Favorite comes into its own.
On-line Surveys
How fast is data moving now?
Web based surveys continue to have value to businesses that need fast economical feedback from their customers. There are many methods of doing this, from a quick fast survey to more detailed and systematic methods of getting the customer's feedback in a timely manner. Result: Increased sales.
© Crusader Services 2019